Back pain is one of the most common causes of disability. Most of the time, back pains do not last long. They can be treated using home remedies or different medications. But if it does not get better, it is recommended to see a doctor or healthcare specialist.
Back pain is a somewhat indication relating to several health factors. Your back may hurt because of the issues regarding abdomen, appendicitis, chest and ovarian cysts.
If you’re concerned about your physical health and back pain seems to be a problem, following are some indications of back pain:
Muscle pain or muscle pull
Severe pain in the upper part of your body
Pain that proceeds towards your leg
The adverse effect of weight lifting and doing other activities
Feeling numbness in a part of your leg
So, what is the right way to prevent yourself from damaging your back? In this regard, one can consider the following things.
Home remedies
Back pain can easily be treated by using home remedies.
Change your sleeping habits. Do not sleep straight. Put a pillow behind your knees.
Avoid sleeping on your stomach place a pillow beneath your abdomen.
Do mild exercises and stretch your muscles. It will help improve your back pain. Chronic back pain can easily be healed by exercising daily.
Stop weight lifting.
Try to sit in a straight posture.
Blood tests
Blood tests are usually done to see if there is any inflammation in our body. The other major role of blood tests is to check whether the patient is anemic or not.
Nerve tests
In this type of test, a needle is inserted into your muscles to check whether it is a nerve root disease or muscle disease.
Back pain can also be treated by using different medications such as muscle relaxants or anti-inflammatory.
Spine surgery
Back pain can easily be treated by using medication courses or home remedies. If it doesn’t go it this way, severe back pain results in back surgery.
Spine surgery is of many types. However, four main types are given below. Every surgery has its own effects on our body which we’ll discuss shortly.
Discectomy: It removes the material from your body that is adding pressure on your back. It reduces pain and numbness.
Laminectomy: It treats the pain caused by nerve damage. It eliminates the tumor from your spine. It decompresses the part of your spine.
Spinal Fusion: The diseases related to your spinal alignment are treated by using spinal fusion. In this type, two or more bones combine with a healthy bone to give alignment to your spine.
Vertebroplasty/ Kyphoplasty: It is used to treat bone fractures. A long needle is used to insert bone cement in your fractured parts of bones. It provides strength and reduces back pain.
Pros and cons of spine surgery
Great reduction in pain
Body motion improves
Physical fitness
Reduced medicine intake
You can again join your job and do better work
Allergic to anesthesia or other drugs
Surgery may result in infection
High risks of having blood clots
Risk of heart attack
Nerve damage (it’s rare), which results in paralysis
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