The major function of the spine is to keep our spinal cord safe. It provides skeletal frame to our body and maintains our position straight. It is made up of 33 individual vertebrae (bones of spinal cord). The design of a spine is remarkably strong. It protects the delicate nerve roots of the spinal cord. Above anything else, spine is extremely flexible.
Do you follow a hectic routine? Are you sure you’ve been doing everything in your hand to save yourself from damaging your spine? If you’re unsure, Following are the causes and preventions explaining how you can prevent your spine from any damage:
Spine problems don’t have one simple cause but may be due to one or more problems. These problems vary from person to person:
Droop posture
The hardening of the spine and fragile muscles is due to the lack of exercise.
Uplifting weights
Poor physical health
Spine bone fracture
Tumor in spine
Anxiety, depression, and stress are one of the most important causes of spine damage
Saving yourself from damaging your spine may seem complex, following these basic precautions in your daily life can literally make a difference:
Adopt Good Posture
The most important thing one should consider while sitting is a good posture. If your posture is not correct, you will not be able to sit or stand properly - even not being able to stand in a straight position. People sit in front of their computers and work for 7-8 hours straight without taking care of their posture. Do something about it!
Do Exercise
Exercise is the most vital part of our lives, indeed. Following an adequate exercise schedule will make our muscles stretched and blood circulation improves. Exercise is the most important thing that we can do for spine prevention. Simple stretches will also help your spine from damage. Wear flat and comfortable shoes to avoid spine damage.
Avoid Heavy Weight Lifting
The most common cause of spine injury is heavy weight lifting. It puts pressure on your spine. Carry little weight. You can also distribute the weight on both parts of your body.
Follow Healthy Sleeping Habits
Change your sleeping habits. Sleeping straight can put pressure on your spine. So, it is better to put a pillow or something soft behind your knees. Do not sleep on your stomach, sleep on the sides of your body or place a pillow under your lower abdomen.
Focus on Your Diet
Start eating healthy. Because if your diet is not good, your bones become automatically weak. And stress will definitely apply to your spine. Try eating leafy green vegetables, vitamin-enriched fruits, and calcium use dairy products.
Sit Properly While Working/Studying
The major cause of the spine problem is to slump over a desk Students always do that and even the workers do exactly the same mistake. Try to avoid this, sit in a straight position and don’t ruin your posture.
When you are driving, your first and foremost duty is to wear a seat belt and sit in an upright position. It helps you prevent back problems.
Stop stressing out yourself. When you take stress, your muscles become hard. It is also a cause of spine pain. For stress relief, do yoga and meditation.
If your back hurts, don’t ignore this pain. There can be a serious problem also. It can be a tumor or a bone fracture maybe.
In case of further questions or suggestions, feel free to contact us or leave a reply below.